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  • 马丁·罗尔



  • 作者简介:

    是一位世界知名的分析顾问。他在依据品牌价值上拥有大量的经验和全球化的远见卓识。他帮助企业领导和团体为未来大胆制定战略。马丁·罗尔帮助董 事会提高股票价值,创造可持续的竞争优势,这套方法的焦点在于一个成功企业的成长和管理通过其品牌化来实现。 马丁·罗尔的非凡价值在于他是国际上经验丰富的企业战略顾问,企业管理团队的高级顾问,包括亚洲在内的国际化企业的市场专家。他是Venture Republic(新加坡知名品牌策略公司)的创建人和CEO,拥有20多年的管理经验。

  • 作者的话:

    他在依据品牌价值上拥有大量的经验和全球化的远见卓识。他帮助企业领导和团体为未来大胆制定战略。马丁·罗尔帮助董 事会提高股票价值,创造可持续的竞争优势,这套方法的焦点在于一个成功企业的成长和管理通过其品牌化来实现。

  • 马丁·罗尔

    Martin Rolle

    Masterpiece:Asian Brand Strategy

  • About the author:

    "This is because this is part of a full problem: many different interferences, many governmental rules and their own bad interpretation of IOA statutes."

    The IOA has been directed by a Delhi court to hold the elections adhering to the Indian government‘s sports code, while the IOC wants the governing body to abide by the Olympic charter.

    But Chautala insists the ban is "wrong and completely unilateral".

    "We‘d go to the IOC again and explain to them the actual situation and the details of the election. This ban was completely thrust on us." he said.

  • The author's words:

    Abhay Singh Chautala was expected to be the IOA‘s new president and he has close links to former incumbent Suresh Kalmadi, who is on bail over similar charges.

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