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  • 冈特·鲍利



  • 作者简介:

    冈特•鲍利(Gunter Pauli),1956年生于比利时安特卫普,“蓝色经济”概念创始人。鲍利毕业于世界知名的欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD),是一名相当成功的创业家,前后共成立过十家公司。1983年,他获选为第一届“世界十大杰出青年” (The Outstanding Youna Persons of the World)。1994年,他又当选世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)未来国际领袖之一。

    身为罗马俱乐部(Club of Rome,研讨国际问题的全球性智囊组织)的成员之一,冈特于1994年决定从企业界退休,创办“零排放研究创新基金会”(Zero Emissions Research Initiatives,ZERI),全心投入研究创新的蓝色经济模式,以求人类社会与自然生态皆能永续发展。目前他己获得比利时、瑞典、加拿大、美国以及日本等政府或企业的大力资助,在全球推广“蓝色经济”的商业模式。

  • 冈特·鲍利

    Gunter Pauli

    Masterpiece:The Blue Economy

  • About the author:

    Dr. Gunter Pauli is challenging the green movement he has been so much a part of to do better, to do more. He is the entrepreneur who launched Ecover; those products are probably in many of your homes. He built the largest ecologically-sound factory in the world. His participation in the Club of Rome and the founding of Zero Emissions Research Institute (ZERI) has made an immense contribution to sustainability both in terms of research, public awareness and articulating a visionary direction. He has dedicated himself to teaching and the hands-on implementation of projects that have brought healthy environments, good nutrition, health care and jobs in sustainable commerce to a myriad of places in the world.

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