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作者: 丁远 埃韦尔施托洛韦 米歇尔 勒巴
Author: Ding.Yuan Herv e stolowy Michel J.Lebas
Publication Date:2013年8月
ISBN: 978-7-111-43500-6

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    This respected and widely used book provides an essential introduction to financial accounting and reporting for today‘s international business student. Written very much from the user‘ rather than the preparer‘ accounting perspective, the book is ideally suited to international business and accountancy students. It offers a non-prescriptive a-national‘ approach, together with an excellent understanding of comparative differences in accountancy practices. The authors provide clear and comprehensive guidance to all the complex concepts and issues in accounting (including double-entry bookkeeping), together with explanation of the more technical aspects of accounting transactions. The book is highly international in focus, being based on IFRS GAAP but also using lots of real-life company accounts from a wide range of worldwide companies as examples, to enable students to see how the issues appear in practice. User-friendly tables, figures, and diagrams are extensively used throughout the commentary, to facilitate students‘ clear understanding of accountancy issues, and specific assignments are given at the end of every chapter (with solutions at the back) to aid rapid and independent learning. A free Companion Website accompanies the book, providing both students and instructors with a wide selection of enriched material.

  • 在中欧国际工商学院(下简“中欧”)的校园里有一群“丁字户”,此“丁字户”非彼“钉子户”。“丁字户”是中欧学子对会计学教授丁远的拥趸的称谓。会计学本是一门枯燥的学科,而丁教授总能用一两句话精辟的概括某件事或是某种状态,把枯燥的会计学课程讲得生动形象、深入浅出,博得企业老总们的满堂喝彩,实属不易。



    Dr. Yuan Ding is Cathay Capital Chair Professor in Accounting at CEIBS. He has been Chair of Finance and Accounting Department during June 2010 and June 2013. Prior to joining CEIBS, he was a tenured faculty member of HEC School of Management, Paris, France. He is member of European Accounting Association, French Accounting Association and American Accounting Association. Dr. Ding is Co-Editor of The International Journal of Accounting and Associate Editor of China Journal of Accounting Research (中国会计学刊). He is also Editorial Board Member of Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Issues in Accounting Education, Global Perspectives on Accounting Education Journal, and Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies.


    Dr. Ding received his PhD in Accounting from the Institute of Enterprises Administration at the University Montesquieu Bordeaux IV, France. He also holds a Master‘s in Enterprises Administration from the University of Poitiers, France. Dr. Ding has published two books in financial reporting and financial analysis and his research has appeared in Accounting, Organizations and Society, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, European Accounting Review, Abacus, The International Journal of Accounting, Review of Accounting and Finance, Advances in International Accounting, Issues in Accounting Education, Managerial Finance, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of International Business Studies, Management International Review, Corporate Governance: An International Review, International Journal of Disclosure and Governance and several leading French academic journals. In 2011, Prof. Ding received the first annual CEIBS Research Excellence Award.


    Dr. Ding has been giving lectures in financial accounting, financial statement analysis, international accounting and corporate governance at the level of Master’s of Science in Management, MBA, EMBA and PhD in Europe and in China. He has also consulted with, designed and delivered in-company special and open executive education programs in China and in Europe. In CEIBS, he co-founded the first CFO open program in China in 2005 and gets involved in many top executive programs co-organized with Harvard, Wharton, INSEAD, New York University, London School of Economics, IESE and HEC Paris. He has received the CEIBS Teaching Excellence Award in 2005 and 2007. In 2008 and 2009, he was elected by EMBA graduates as one of the most admired CEIBS professors.


    Prof. Ding provides frequently consulting services for many multinationals and Chinese companies in the areas of financial communication, corporate governance, cost control system designing, investment and M&A. In May 2011, Prof. Ding launched “Ding Yuan Index Neutral Fund” in A share market and became the first accounting and finance professor in mainland China running a hedge fund. He also serves on the Boards of Directors of several listed firms and financial institutions in China, Europe and North America.


    博士,法国HEC管理学院会计学教授(Jouyen Josas,France),研究教学领域涉及财务会计和国际会计,尤其是在国际财务会计准则,无形资产、会计操纵和现金流量表。




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